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Finest Russian Women Still Want American Men Why

Why do the finest Russian women search for American men?
As an owner of a free Russian women dating site, I have been asked a lot about Russian ladies looking for American men. Here is one of the questions:
"I am a 31 year old American man and tried the personals in the US. I had little luck with local dating and regional dating sites.

However, when I started using the Russian personals, the response was overwhelming.
Why are the finest Russian women so much more interested in corresponding with American men than are American women interested in corresponding with American men?"
If you ask Russian ladies looking for American men about their motivations for seeking a husband abroad you may find out some convincing arguments for doing so.

Here are the top 6 reasons why the finest Russian women start searching for a foreign husband.

  • Census, Russia is home to 10 million more women then men. The number of women in their 30s noticeably exceeds the number of men.

    After the divorce, the woman with a kid (or with no kids) has little chance of getting married again in Russia, according to sociologists. There are no men in Russia to get married to: mortality rate of the working age males is extremely high.

  • Women are overloaded with family responsibilities in Russia: housekeeping, upbringing of children and earning of money. They have to take charge of all everyday problems that are essential for their families. For the sake of truth it should be said, there ARE nice, responsible and sober men in Russia but we don't easily meet them. The unvarnished truth is: most Russian men abuse alcohol and do not provide for their families.

    Psychologists say, Russian men undervalue the essence of family.

  • Finest Russian women are highly educated and want careers. Depending on where she lives in the FSU, she may find that it is impossible for her to have the career she wants and to realize her full potential there. Most educated women have more ambition than to simply function from 9 to 17 for a tiny salary. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as she seeks a loving relationship with the man and his moral support.

  • Some Russian women are looking to live in an economically more stable environment (and I don't just mean the ones who are obviously looking for a 'sugar daddy', although there are some of those as well as you already know).

    In other words, it is reasonable to say some want to live in a better economy but we can not assume that is what every Russian woman looking abroad desires.
    There's nothing wrong with that as well, as long as the woman's feelings toward the man are sincere.

  • The female has an instinct to choose a mate of good genes, to support the family, and defend the children of that union. If the finest Russian women see American men for that basic instinct, than she has made a wise choice, not just about money, but thinking about the future.

  • Sometimes people are just lonely. They either have different standards or just haven't met the right person and have expanded their selection.

    There is nothing wrong with that. There is something even satisfying about looking abroad. It can be a win-win situation.

    "Marriages between Russian women and American men are very successful and harmonious", O. Makhovskaya, the senior research assistant at the Psychology Institute in Russia's Academy of Sciences says. "Families of this kind where husbands are Americans and women are Russians prove to be long-living, as the roles in the family are clearly distributed and the mechanism operates good, although these are mixed families. In such families each of the couple is ready to make concessions and on the whole, wonderfully performs the role."

    My opinion on these relationships is: trust. If you found the right person, if you met a nice woman don't worry about the "why".

    too much, there is no one answer. Trust and enjoy.
    The notion 'Russian woman' includes women from Ukraine and Belarus as well, as they have very much in common.

    Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com.


    Tanya Bilk, M.A.

    , a published author who reveals the secrets to Russian women. Here are your Free Russian Woman Secrets Meet educated, finest Russian women, pretty girls Russian at e-RussianWoman.com Have fun. Find a friend.

    Date. Marry. . .

    By: Tanya Bilk

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